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Monday, October 5, 2009

New ATRA Board

Hi, I’m Danny Pettry and I’m an ATRA addict, too! I love being a recreational therapist more than anything else in the world. It brings me great pleasure. I am so grateful for the grassroots efforts that were taking place in our profession before I was even born. I’m so grateful for my professional organization, ATRA. It’s reassuring to know that I’m a member of an organization that advocates for us, recreational therapists.

Here are the election results:

The new president is Missy Armstrong.
The president-elect is Mary Ann Aquardro
The treasurerer is Lisa Morgan

Here are the members at large:

Tim Passmore, Kari Kensinger, Stephanie Courtney, and Ramon Zabriskie.

Oh yeah, and the secretary is Heather Sedletzeck.

As always, I’m going to keep my membership with ATRA. However, I’ve decided, I want to do more for the profession. I’m going to help ATRA in any way that I can. Someday, I may try to become a member-at-large for ATRA.

Additional Note:
I did meet two people at the conference who had received a pin from the National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification (NCTRC) to acknowledge these outstanding recreational therapists who have held the Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS) credential for 25 years!

1 comment:

  1. I offended someone at the conference.

    During one session, I made a comment during open discussion.

    The speakers were talking about the “baby boomer” generation.

    I made a comment that there were several members of ATRA who are in the baby boomer generation and that the younger generation needed to step up to the plate.

    One woman who was walking out of the session said in a not-so-friendly tone of voice, “I didn’t appreciate that comment about the “baby-boomers.” They’ve done a lot for this profession.” She hastily walked out the door before I had the chance to reply. I regret to say that I’m not certain who this individual was. I hope she wasn’t a past-president. I assume that she has been a good-standing member of ATRA for many years.

    I would have readily replied that I agreed that the founding members of ATRA had done a lot for the profession and I’m very grateful that they have. They were advocating for the profession before I was born and before I even know what Recreational Therapy was. I appreciate that a lot.

    The purpose of my comment however was to make this statement: The next generation needs to step-it-up a little. I think more college students in Therapeutic Recreation degree programs should have an ATRA membership. I think more of the younger generation of professionals who’ve been in the field should start getting involved and join ATRA, too.

    My concern is the future of the organization. Where will it be in 25-years from now? ATRA has announced recently of the loss of four recreational therapists that were strong ATRA members this year.

    I’m certain that the founding members of ATRA would want the legacy of the organization to continue. I know they would not want the organization to dissolve in the next 25-50 years. I don’t think this will happen.

    However, my opinion is strong: More people need to get involved with our professional association, especially the younger generation.


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