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Monday, April 18, 2011

An Amazing Book for Children!

I am a big fan of Sandra McLeod Humphrey's (2007) book, "Hot Issues, Cool Choices: Facing Bullies, Peer Pressure, Popularity, and Put-downs."

I'm a Recreational Therapist for children ages 7 to 13. I teach social skills, character development, coping skills, and problem-solving skills.

The therapeutic use of stories is one technique that I use to help teach children these valuable life skills. I often use the stories and discussion questions from Humphrey's book. I'll have the children put on a play to role-model the stories from the book. I encourage the children to use the social skills and character values taught from previous sessions in their role-play.

Here is a video for Humphrey's amazing book! I suggest that every parent or teacher for ages (7 to 14) should get a copy of the book for their child or classroom. Watch the video here:

Here is the amazon link for the book:

And if you've not done so already, get a copy of my children's book that uses pictures of cute animals to teach character values. Go here:

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